How to create a blog article



Blog articles provide an excellent opportunity to engage with your audience and build relationships with your students by creating a sense of community. 


They are also a means to drive traffic to your website, which helps to reach a wider audience and increase your website visibility on search engines. 

Here is how you can add a blog article to your website.

1. Access your dashboard

Go to the Blog subtab


This is where you can edit, delete or see your blog articles.


Creating a new blog article on Uteach.

If you want the articles to appear based on their publishing date, activate the toggle as shown in the picture. 


2. Click on the Create New Article button 


Click on the Create New Article button

The general information you will need to fill in includes


  • Title - insert a compelling title
  • Publish date - customize the date
  • Author - add an author from the list
  • Status - decide on the status, and set it as active so that it shows on the website
  • Friendly URL - this is generated automatically based on the title, however, you can edit it
  • Image - insert a picture as a lead image for the article
  • Description - insert your article here

3. Fill in SEO details 


 Fill in SEO details


  • Meta title - to help search engines understand the subject matter of your page and show users a relevant and informative title when they find your page in search results.
  • Meta description - to show users a relevant snippet of information when they find the page in search results
  • Meta keywords 

4. Click on the Save button.

Congratulations! Your first article is ready.  


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