How AI Transforms Creating Online Courses in 2023

Article by Sona Hoveyan / Updated at .08 Apr 2024
9 min read
How AI Transforms Creating Online Courses in 2023

Creating online courses is a dynamic and demanding process. You navigate through a lot of challenges before the course is ready for sale. Content development and time constraints are just a few of these challenges.

However, we are at the dawn of a new era with the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI brings innovative solutions to address these challenges. It has revolutionized how online courses are developed.   

Why do most people struggle with course creation?

Here are the various challenges many people face throughout the course creation process. 

  • Lack of clarity in course objectives. Without defining objectives, designing content that aligns with the desired outcomes becomes demanding. 
  • Difficulty in content organization. It is crucial to break down the course into modules, and topics, ensuring a smooth flow of information. 
  • Overwhelming technological requirements. There are too many technological aspects of course creation. For example, choosing the right LMS and getting familiar with the necessary tools. 
  • Designing engaging content. Creating content that captivates learners and encourages active participation is at the core of today’s courses. At the same time, the passive presentation of information can lead to disengagement. That is why incorporating interactive elements will foster better knowledge retention.
  • Choosing effective assessment methods. Developing fair and meaningful assessment methods aligned with the course objectives is challenging. It requires careful consideration of different assessment formats and strategies.
  • Marketing and promoting the course. Even the most exceptional courses can go unnoticed without effective marketing and promotion. So, you need to use different marketing channels, such as social media platforms.
  • Time management and prioritization. Besides creating the course, you should also provide ongoing support. So, to manage everything, you need to set realistic deadlines. 
  • Keeping up with industry trends. You should engage in continuous professional development, attending conferences, and networking. 
In thought beside a computer

How Chat GPT and other AI tools changed educational technology

AI tools offer new methods of assessment and curriculum that test creativity. They provide informative and quick answers to complex questions in plain language. That's why Chat GPT has recently aroused global interest.

Educational institutions have also started to adapt to AI Rise. They use tools such as:

AI-enhanced platforms that help create courses, deliver content, track students, and more. 

  • Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS):

AI-powered systems that provide personalized instruction and feedback to students. 

  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) tools:

AI-powered simulations that provide realistic and interactive environments for exploration and experimentation.

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP):

Tools for automated language translation, speech recognition supporting communication, and language learning

AI tools like ChatGPT revolutionize education as they

  • Provide 24/7 availability to learning resources.
  • Evaluate students' assessment.
  • Provide a linguistic guide for the students and can also translate from different languages. 
  • Automate routine administrative tasks.
  • Analyze large datasets and generate actionable insights for you. They help to identify trends and areas where you need improvements.

The attributes of successful courses

A successful course is more than just transforming pieces of information. It is crucial for you to integrate the finest training and development methods. Here are a number of considerable examples.

Visuals and a pleasing aesthetic

When it comes to online courses, visuals play an important role in enhancing their learning experience. We’ve left the days of text-heavy courses behind. Today's learners seek interactive and visually appealing content which can be achieved by using top AI tools that are available for everyone. Here is how. 

  • Incorporating high-quality images, videos, infographics, and animations. These components break the monotony and help convey complex concepts in a more comprehensive way.
  • Using eye-catching banners or well-designed slides. Visual aesthetics create a positive impression right from the start, making learners eager to explore the course.

However, visuals alone are not enough to ensure success. A pleasing aesthetic must accompany them. So you also need the right color palettes, fonts, and layouts to create a harmonious learning experience.

A positive voice

One key attribute that helps the course stand out from the rest is having a positive voice. 

The most successful courses use an optimistic and encouraging tone. This positivity can impact learners' motivation and engagement. 

Moreover, a positive voice in a course helps to create a supportive atmosphere for students. The uplifting language encourages learners to ask questions and seek guidance.

Interactive elements with opportunities for practice

You can engage learners using various interactive elements. They include multimedia resources, real-life examples, quizzes, and collaborative projects.

By incorporating such features, courses become more dynamic and stimulate active participation.

Another crucial attribute of successful courses is providing opportunities for practice. Theory alone is not enough for effective learning. Assignments, case studies, group projects, and practical exercises all serve this purpose.

Structural cohesion and clear learning objectives

It is important to ensure that all course components are organized and interconnected. This means that: 

  • Each topic or module should flow into the next. So, creating a cohesive structure will make it easier for learners to follow. 
  • A well-structured course helps students understand how different concepts relate to each other. 
  • Also, it enables them to build upon their knowledge gradually. 

The objectives outline what students will be able to achieve or understand by the end of the course. They serve as guideposts, helping students stay focused and motivated.

Focused and simplified content

Courses with focused and simplified content are curated to align with the objectives you set. 

  • The information provided should be concise and relevant. 
  • The simplified content should help learners to grasp the key concepts. This way, they do not get overwhelmed by excessive details. 

This approach also helps to prevent cognitive overload. So learners can absorb and apply what they have learned effectively.

Achieving successful online business

Use AI prompts to do course market research

AI prompts enable you to gain valuable insights into the demands. It saves you time, as you do not have to analyze tons of resources to get the data you need. Other benefits include:

  • Enhanced efficiency. AI prompts streamline the research process by automating data generation and analysis.
  • In-depth understanding. AI-generated prompts can delve into specific topics. It will allow you to gather detailed information about learners' needs and expectations.
  • Customization. AI prompts can be tailored to target specific demographics or academic disciplines. This way, the research aligns with the target market.
  • Cost-effectiveness. Utilizing AI prompts can minimize the costs of traditional market research methods. So you do not need to use surveys or focus groups.

Here is how you can use AI to create a course. 

Brainstorm and draw up course outlines with AI

AI helps in generating topics, organizing modules and lessons, and outlining the course structure. It also identifies relevant concepts and provides suggestions based on the input. 

Here is an example prompt you can use to create an outline for your course. 

  • Create a list of subtopics I shall touch on in my course “Digital Marketing For Beginners.” 
ChatGPT subtopics request
  • Organize all the topics into 16 modules, where each module consists of at least 4 relevant episodes.
ChatGPT organization request
ChatGPT SMART request

You can continue to ask about developing a content outline for each episode, assessment and evaluation techniques, etc.

Specify the tone of voice you want the AI to write in

Creating an engaging course requires careful consideration of the tone of voice. It is also inseparable from developing your brand identity.

The tone sets the mood and establishes a connection with the audience. For example, you can choose your tone to be informative, friendly, or conversational. 

If you use concise sentences, AI  can maintain clarity and avoid unnecessary complexity. This way, you will ensure the results AI provides are precisely how you want them to be.

Here is an example prompt for setting the tone of voice AI can write your course description. 

Write a description in no more than 150 words for the course "Digital Marketing For Beginners." The tone of voice should be friendly but not too conversational. Make it engaging using active voice constructions, and include a CTA for the students to enroll. 

Writing a course description with AI

Here you have the results! Ensure your instructions are clear and as detailed as possible to get the best possible results.

Check and edit the outcomes to better meet your needs

Artificial Intelligence may be efficient in generating quick results. However, you need to double-check the results to be on the safe side.

Not only should you provide guidance and clear instructions when using AI, but also actively monitor the outcomes. Regularly checking and evaluating the generated outputs allows you to assess the overall performance and identify areas for improvement.

So feel free to adjust parameters, and make necessary corrections, ensuring that the results align with your expectations. 


Let’s sum up the above-said with quick questions and answers. 

1.  What are the challenges of being a course creator?

The challenges that an online course creator faces during course creation are:

  • Developing insightful and engaging content to stand out from the crowd. 
  • Choosing effective assessment methods and tools 
  • Managing the time 
  • Having the required technical skills 
  • Engaging the audience constantly
  • Marketing and promoting the course

2. How is ChatGPT used in education?

Educators can use ChatGPT to create courses, do research and improve assessment questions. It helps them prompt higher-order thinking skills by practical tasks.

3. How is AI used in market research?     
AI-powered technologies empower creators to make informed decisions based on data. These technologies facilitate data-driven insights for product development, branding, and marketing strategies. This way, your business remains competitive in today's dynamic marketplace.

Successful sells with data statistics


AI has revolutionized the creation of online courses. It addresses challenges, offers innovative solutions, and enhances the teaching and learning process. 

AI tools like ChatGPT provide personalized learning experiences and automate administrative tasks. Successful courses use visuals, a positive voice, interactive elements, and clear objectives. 

This is why you should adapt and embrace AI to improve education outcomes.

Artificial Intelligence transforms course creation, benefiting both creators and learners.

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