Make it easier for your target market to communicate with you. Be available in different channels and always ready to respond to your students’ queries.
Your live chat makes it easier than ever for website visitors to share their concerns, ask questions, or provide feedback. Get in touch with them fast and easy.
You have a chance to communicate to the website visitors and present your material in the best possible way so that no chance is left for them but to register as a student.
You can create a custom message, including frequently asked questions of users’ feedback. This will be useful to meet people’s needs when you are offline.
With Uteach you get an opportunity to send email letters to your students. You may find all the specific cases and default content for email letters in your dashboard.
All words are editable so that you can send the content you prefer. And of course, you may activate and deactivate the letter for any single case.
For instance, if you don’t want to send a notifying email when you update a course, you can just deactivate that letter.
This is also a great option to be in touch with your users and engage them in your content and educational process.
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