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Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager and Uteach

Analytics and Growth

Google Tag Manager

Please be aware that  Uteach support is not responsible for maintaining and troubleshooting issues within third-party tools. 

What is Google Tag Manager for? 

Google Tag Manager is a tool that allows you to manage all your tags from a single interface, making it easier to implement and update tags for analytics, conversion tracking, remarketing, and more.

Once you connect Google Tag Manager to your Uteach website, you can manage marketing tags and tracking scripts on your website without needing to modify the code directly. 

You can also

  • Easily add and update tags for Google Analytics, AdWords, Facebook Pixel, and other third-party tools.
  • Set up triggers to fire tags based on specific actions or conditions
  • Test your tags in real-time using GTM’s preview mode to ensure they are working correctly before publishing

What do you need for Google Tag Manager integration? 

You can connect your Uteach platform with Google Tag Manager in just a few steps. 

  • Create a Google Tag Manager account.
  • Set up a new container for your Uteach website.
  • Copy the GTM container ID provided by Google Tag Manager.
  • Log in to your Uteach account.
  • Head to the Settings and Integrations section.
  • Access the Header script field.
  • Paste your code into the Header scripts box. 

How can I create tags with Google Tag Manager? 

Here is how you can create a tag on Google Tag Manager and track it via Google Analytics. 

  • Create a new tag. In your Google Tag Manager dashboard, click “Add a New Tag”.
  • Configure your tag. Title your tag and click the “Tag Configuration” box to choose a tag type.
  • Select from the available tag types, like “Classic Google Analytics”.
  • Link to Google Analytics. Insert your Web Property ID from Google Analytics and select a “Track Type”, for example  “Page View”.
  • Choose a trigger. This shows when the tag should be recorded, such as “All Pages” for insights on every page view.
  • Save your tag. Click the blue “Save” button once you are done.
  • Activate it. Click the blue “Submit” button, select “Publish and Create Version”, and click “Publish”.

You can also organize your tags by adding a name and description to make them easily identifiable. If your tag appears in the “Version Summary” report, it means it is ready to go. 


What is the difference between GTM and GA?

Google Tag Manager (GTM) and Google Analytics (GA) are different tools with unique roles. GTM lets you manage and deploy marketing tags (snippets of code) on your website without changing the code. GA tracks and reports website traffic and user behavior. You can use Google Tag Manager as the tool to implement tags and then use Google Analytics to analyze the data those tags collect. Both work together to give you insights into your website's performance.

Is Google Tag Manager free or paid? 

Google Tag Manager is free to use. There is no cost to create an account, set up tags, or manage them. It does have a premium version. However, you will be able to achieve all your marketing goals with a free version.  

Do I need both GTM and GA? 

You do not have to create a Google Tag Manager account if you already have a Google Analytics account, and vice versa. These two tools work separately. However, using both Google Tag Manager (GTM) and Google Analytics (GA) together is highly beneficial. GTM simplifies the process of adding and managing tags on your website. In the meantime, GA provides detailed insights and reports on your site's traffic and user behavior. 

Google Tag Manager resources 

If you need more information on what you can use Google Tag Manager for and how you can use it, check out this overview.