VILT became an increasingly popular learning format. However, to ensure its efficiency and results, you must keep an eye on students’ overall well-being throughout the training program.
Thus, throughout this article, we will review the concept of VILT in a nutshell, the challenges and issues students face, and solutions to those to maintain students’ well-being.
So, if you are ready, let’s start!
The following article covers:
Problems students may face during VILT
VILT in a nutshell
First of all, let’s review the concept of VILT.
VILT stands for virtual instructor-led training. It is the same as traditional instructor-led training. However, it takes place in an online environment. Instead of physical equipment such as projectors, instructors use screen share tools instead of physical whiteboards; there are online whiteboard tools, and so on.
VILT provides students and instructors with more time and location flexibility. Also, due to changes in eLearning and the constant development of the market nowadays, virtual training is more convenient and scalable.
Problems students may face during VILT
There are certain challenges that students might face throughout VILT programs. Let’s take a look at the main ones.
Social isolation
If the training is one-on-one and not group, it will further contribute to social isolation. Students may prioritize learning; however, they still do need social interaction for better functioning. Humans are social creatures.
Thus, if you provide group training sessions, organize lots of group activities to build trust and friendships. Also, you can implement a variety of successful collaborative learning exercises.

Screen fatigue
Another issue that is common among online learners is screen fatigue. When students spend extensive time on screen, it causes screen fatigue. Some tips to resolve this problem include
- Taking breaks
- Changing the environment
- Incorporating fun activities that students can complete off the screen for a few minutes before getting back to training.
Assignment deadlines
One of the most stressful parts of learning is deadlines. Assignments are stressful, but when students face extreme deadlines, it adds to the stress even more.
This is why you should mention any upcoming assignments they will have throughout the training in the course/training syllabus/learning outline. This way, students will be familiar with the overall training program and thus won’t be surprised by unexpected deadlines.
However, be realistic and remember that you must go through the outline during the first session with your students so they memorize it better, as some may not look at it later. And remind them about the assignments or deadlines at least a week ahead. To ease up your life, you can create automated email reminders.
Low physical activity
Low physical activity levels generally lead to more stress. You can encourage your students to take care of their physique by completing off-class physical activities, such as going to the gym, doing 15-20 minutes home workouts, or even just going for walks.
Ways to maintain students’ well-being
It is essential to maintain students' well-being as it will affect the overall quality of the training.
Keep up the interaction level
Make sure the students are engaged in the training.
Try incorporating icebreakers, fun quizzes, and even games for personal sessions. You can do the same for group virtual training programs. For group training programs, you can also use various collaborative learning activities.
Make sure that you encourage discussions, ask questions and keep everyone interested.
Schedule it right
Schedule the training sessions properly. Training must be consistent to give results. It also must be at an appropriate hour so that students are not overwhelmed or tired and can focus on the training.
We would recommend mornings. It can also be around noon, do not leave it for later or do not schedule it too early when everyone is still sleepy.
Feel empathy
As a trainer, you must showcase high emotional intelligence and be empathetic. The students should feel safe around you. So, listen to them, and offer support and advice when needed.
Regular energizers
Energizers are easy and quick activities that you can incorporate throughout the training sessions to energize students.
Examples of energizers are:
- Jokes, memes & icreberakers
- Polls and Quiz Games
- Brainstorming sessions
- Easy physical activities to do during the break.

Regular energizers will help keep learners attentive and motivated throughout the VILT sessions.
Positive environment
Create a positive learning environment.
Make sure to set up a friendly learning atmosphere upfront to engage all the students and help them feel safe. This will lead to higher client satisfaction rates, better knowledge retention rates, and more productive and efficient training.
Start your training on a stress-free note
Start your high-quality training that values students' well-being on a stress-free note with Uteach.
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With Uteach, you can build and customize a powerful website that will help you drive traffic and make profits. It is easy to use and navigate through, so you will also save lots of time and resources and create a business website without additional stress.
So, it is your time to get started.