5 Easy Steps to Become a Dating Coach Without a Certification

Have your family and friends been coming to you for dating advice? Do you think it somehow comes to you naturally, or can you at least get better at dating coaching with a little practice? 


If you answered positively, we have created this guide just for you to start your successful dating coaching business and become one. 


In this article, you are about to find out:

  • Is dating coaching for you?
  • How can dating coaching be different from therapy and relationship coaching?
  • Can you make enough money as a dating coach?
  • What do you need to become a dating coach?
  • How do you become a dating coach who is never short of clients? 

What is a dating coach? 

Traditionally, a dating coach is a life coach who provides support and guidance to people seeking to improve their dating lives and romantic relationships. They assist clients in various aspects of their dating lives, such as building confidence, communicating clearly what they want from a relationship, handling rejection, etc. 

Dating coaching is easily confused with relationship coaching and therapy. So, which of them are you: the dating coach? The therapist? The relationship coach? The main difference with dating coaching is that:

  • A couple therapist, or simply a therapist, focuses on the main issues one needs to resolve before starting dating, not the dating journey itself
  • A relationship coach focuses on maintaining good and healthy relationships, keeping relationships on track, and overcoming any challenges that come that way. 

Now that you have become sure it is the dating coaching you want to pursue, let’s see what your main responsibilities are and what you will be doing. 

What does a dating coach actually do? 

A dating coach helps clients develop the skills and mindset needed to find and maintain fulfilling romantic relationships. As a dating coach, you will provide personalized advice on topics like confidence, communication, and social skills. Depending on the specific niche you want to choose (which will be covered in a little while),your core responsibilities may include:


  • Help clients create dating profiles and establish their presence on dating apps
  • Offer tips on where to meet potential partners and approach them
  • Identify the reasons for the client’s unsuccessful dating life
  • Help the client to become more self-aware 
  • Guide clients toward a growth mindset 
  • Help people gain confidence and overcome dating anxieties 
  • Help clients overcome insecurities and past dating experiences.
  • Assist with developing strategies for meaningful conversations and connection-building.

You get the idea! 

Sure, this list can be a never-ending one. What you should consider is that your clients can have different levels of expertise when it comes to dating, so you might as well teach them how to be more comfortable and handle different situations. 

How much can a dating coach make? 

Now, about the most interesting part - how much of an income can you have as a dating coach? 


There is no standard salary for that, as everything depends on how amazing you are and how transformative the results you offer can be. To give you an idea, dating coaches make $22.58 hourly on average in the United States, where the lowest hourly wage stands at $7.93. 


And if we are speaking about you as a beginner dating coach, you can start with $1200 for the full coaching program (for example, a 3-month dating coaching program) and then increase the price as you grow and gain more experience. 


Once you land your first five paying clients, you can make at least $6000 as a dating coach. Besides charging for the full program at once, you may also decide to charge a) an hourly rate and b) a monthly rate. These are the main three options to go with.

What does it take to become a successful dating coach? 

There are a few things every beginner dating coach should take into consideration. 


To become a dating coach, you will first need to define who you want to help, create your coaching program that specifically addresses your prospects’ problems, practice coaching, get your first paying clients, and figure out how to grow your dating coaching business further. 


Yes, the steps are not hard. Yet, how can you achieve all this? Let’s break out each step in more detail. 

Niche down as a dating coach 

Dating coaching already falls under the category of life coaching. Yet, you still need to dig deeper into that because the number one mistake you want to avoid as a future dating coach is being too broad. 


“It’s really important that you leave these big categories, and niche down. Because, as they say, if you are serving everybody, you are serving nobody. So, don’t be afraid to focus on a narrow target, as it will allow you to expand over time.”


Courtney Sanders,

Certified business and life coach

Here, there are two simple questions you want to ask yourself:

  • Who is the type of person that I want to help
  • What kind of problem do I want to solve for them

If you were to take official coaching training and be certified as a dating coach, any good program would teach you to find your HUB statement, which is the answer to the questions above. An example of such a statement is:

“I help adult men (WHO?) to get consistent dates with women so that they can get into a relationship with the right one (RESULT)”. 

What are some of the niches you can start with as a dating coach? Here are some ideas!

  • Online dating, where you help clients select dating apps, create compelling profiles, and the like
  • Confidence building, where you focus on building self-esteem and developing confidence to approach potential partners in various social settings
  • Dating after divorce, to provide support to people who seek relationships after a breakup
  • Dating for introverts for introverted people
  • Dating over 50, where you help mature adults, etc 

The options are multiple. All you have to do is see in which area you are most experienced in and feel more passionate about. As you niche down, we can come to practicing coaching itself. 

Sharpen your skills as a dating coach 

To become a top dating coach you will need to work on your skills constantly. And what most coaches answer when asked, “How do you become a better coach?” is “Practice, practice, practice!”. 

The thing is, having a great idea of how to have a successful dating life and being a dating coach are two different things. As you are already an expert in this subject matter, you will also need to know HOW TO COACH. So, what skills should you work on as a dating coach?

Andy Nelson, who is an executive coach with 10-plus years of experience in coaching, recommends the following:


  • Finding your ways to practice coaching. For example, might be you start coaching your friends or relatives who seek dating coaching. The key here is getting some kind of feedback on how you performed as a coach.  

“The most important thing, I can say, is practicing and getting feedback. So, recording those coaching sessions and sharing it with a coaching mentor is a great idea.”

Getting training as a dating coach is another key aspect of establishing yourself as a successful dating coach. If you are looking to get official training and obtain a coaching certification, consider taking up programs offered by the International Coaching Federation (ICF),or other programs accredited by ICF. With that being said, official training is not the only way you can sharpen your skills and stay current. Andy Nelson mentions you can browse resources and training on YouTube, or read educational blogs.  


Engage and network with other coaches. As Andy mentions, “It creates a virtual cycle that keeps propelling you forward.” Networking and connections help you find new resources and opportunities you couldn’t have found otherwise. So, from today on, start connecting with other coaches, no matter if they are dating coaches, or have other specializations. 

Create an irresistible offer and develop a program

Now that you have figured out who you want to help and have the necessary skills to do so, it’s time to work on your coaching offer. 

What’s a coaching offer? It is not solely the name that you give to your coaching program, or everything you cover in your coaching program. It’s rather the outcomes and the transformative results you provide your clients. 

For example, “I will help you overcome your social anxiousness and develop a dating strategy to meet your dream partner without using dating apps.” 

Now, this offer should resonate with the HUB statement we defined in the first step. Next, you want to make your offer and program irresistible. 

Let’s say you just had your session with a client and discussed the terms. How do you make them say “yes” to your coaching offer after they have seen the value you can provide and are sure they can relate to you?


  • You can choose to be always available for regular calls, instead of just fixed-hour sessions. 
  • You can offer free bonuses. For example, perhaps you have written an e-book that can help them, a subscription to a magazine related to your field, etc. 
  • Include a guarantee. You can tell the client that if they are not thrilled after 30 days of employing your strategies, you will refund them the whole money. Or, they can keep the bonuses you offered, but you will part ways. 

Try to think of something that takes the risk away from your clients, makes things resonate with them, and makes them likely to say “yes!” 

Land your first clients 

The fastest way to get dating coaching clients is to work with people who already have some level of trust towards you. And those people are, again, your network. Taping into your existing network works with lots of coaches. 

Perhaps, it is someone you used to hang out with in college, or it is someone from your Facebook following list. So, before going into connecting with strangers online and trying to convert them to a paying client assess the resources you possess at the given moment. Simply, let them know what you have been up to, and mention the specific way you want to help them with. 

Your first-ever clients may not even be paying ones, and that is totally fine. 

Jason Moss, who runs a community of more than 20.000 coaches helping them start and grow their business, suggests using the following template to reach out to your network. 


Once they respond, your goal is to start getting them the results they are after. Then you are going to collect those testimonials and start attracting more and more people. 

This way, the starting point with your network will lead to word-of-mouth and referrals, which is one of the best ways to get new clients constantly. As a coach who wants to start a dating coaching business, you should beagle to properly market your services. Let’s discuss a few more ways of how you can do that. 

Find more marketing opportunities 

When we say marketing dating coaching business, the marketing basics are totally the same. As a dating coach, you can:


  • Run events. For example, organize in-person or virtual workshops, seminars, or group coaching sessions on dating and relationships. These events will become an opportunity for you to showcase your expertise, provide value to attendees, and promote your coaching services to those who may be interested in further one-on-one guidance. 
  • Pay attention to your social media, especially to the platforms where your audience hangs out. Share valuable content such as dating tips, success stories, and testimonials to show your expertise and build trust with potential clients. Simply responding to comments, answering questions, and participating in relevant conversations can change a lot. Besides, you will position yourself as an approachable dating coach.  
  • Create your professional website. Your website is one of the first things potential clients are going to check and see if you are legit and if they can trust you. Besides, your website is an excellent way for you to show who you really are. If you do not want to get into the technical aspect of building a website, you can get started with an all-in-one online coaching platform with website-building capabilities, such as Uteach

FAQ about dating coaching 

Let’s answer some of the commonly asked questions about dating coaching, including your potential income, dating coaching program pricing, certification, etc. 

Do I need certification to become a dating coach?

If we review the question from a technical perspective, no, you do not need a certification. However, you may still consider getting one. 

First of all, to get a certification, you have to complete a coaching training program. Such programs will greatly improve your skills and abilities as an online coach. In the end, they will make you a better professional capable of driving the best results and being aware of the latest industry trends and various coaching methodologies. 

Plus, a certification is beneficial for beginners as it can potentially increase the trust factor toward you. If you do not have past client testimonials, you can simply display your certification.

Is a dating coach a therapist? 

A dating coach isn't quite the same as a therapist. While both help with a dating life, a dating coach helps to improve dating skills, build confidence, and find the right partner. As a coach, you focus on practical strategies, like communication tips and self-improvement techniques.

On the other hand, therapists go into emotional and psychological issues, helping people address past traumas, improve mental health, and develop healthier relationship patterns

How much do dating coaches charge per hour? 

Most dating coaches usually charge between $90-$300 per hour, while more popular dating coaches charge thousands of dollars per hour. 

While you can choose to charge per hour, most of the coaches prefer to charge by the full coaching package. The reason is, that in this particular case, the client pays you not for the time, but for the result your coaching package offers. A good rule of thumb is to start with at least $1200 for a three-month dating geocaching program. 

Once you gain more experience and credibility as a dating coach, you can even charge $4000+ for a full package. 

What qualifications do you need to be a dating coach? 

Many successful dating coaches have backgrounds in psychology, counseling, sociology, or related fields, which provide a strong foundation for understanding human behavior and relationships. 

Additionally, certifications from reputable coaching programs can enhance credibility and expertise in the field. However, practical experience and a passion for helping others are just as important. Effective communication skills, empathy, and the ability to establish rapport with clients are also essential qualities to becoming a dating coach.

Can anyone be a dating coach?

Theoretically, everyone can call themselves a dating coach nowadays. Yet, if one just knows a lot about dating and dating life, it does not make them a dating coach. To be professional and credible, you still need to undertake some training as a coach. If you are an expert in dating, the combination of your knowledge and relevant experience as a coach can make you a great dating coach. 

Monetize Your Skills Online

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