To buy or enroll in the coaching session, the customer should click the “Book a place now” button.
Then choose his payment method, fill in the credit card details, and buy the session. After successful payment, he will get the success message.
To schedule a session with the coach, the customer can either
And will be redirected to the main coaching session page. Then the customer should click Schedule sessions” button.
This button redirects students to the Profile page.
2. Or the customer should go to Profile > My Learnings >Coaching sessions
To schedule a session, the customer should click the “Schedule sessions” button.
On this page he will see the details of coaching, such as Session title, speaker, date, status, joining, and scheduling links.
Then, he should click the “Schedule sessions” URL, choose a preferred date and click confirm .
After confirmation success message will appear on the right sidebar.
And in the status bar, the customer can see that his request has been submitted to the admin.
When an admin approves the request, the customer will get
If the admin has already attached a Google calendar to the website, the approved event will be added to the customer’s Google calendar.
When the session is about to start (30 min before),the customer will get a notification or email reminder, and the Join URL will be active.
The same happens in case of rejection. When the admin rejects the submission, the customer can submit another request.
Status signs:
- means your request is approved
- means your request is rejected, select another date.
-means your request was sent to admin approval
If you have any questions, send us an email at [email protected] or click the blue icon below to chat.
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