Welcome to the Uteach community feature! As an instructor or course creator, we offer you the ability to build and manage your very own online community, enhancing the learning experience for your students.
To get started, watch our video tutorial or read the detailed instructions below.
Accessing the Dashboard:
Start by logging into your Uteach account's dashboard.
On the left-hand side, click on the 'Communities' tab (Please note it is currently in Beta, which means it's a new feature that's still under development and might be updated with new functionalities.)
To create a new one, click on the 'Create a new community' button.
Creating a Community
In this section of setting up your community on Uteach, you'll be entering the main information that defines your community.
Here's how to fill out the key details:
Name Your Community: Enter the name of your community in the 'Name' field. Choose a name that is both descriptive and appealing to potential members.
Set a Friendly URL: Create a custom URL for your community by entering the desired path in the 'Friendly URL' field. This URL will be used by members to access your community directly.
Upload an Image: The suggested image size is 760x428px. You can drag and drop the file or browse it from your computer.
Describe Your Community: In the 'Description' box, provide a detailed and enticing description of your community. You have a full range of text editing tools at your disposal to format your text, add links, and insert images or videos.
Choose Your Community Type: Decide whether your community is going to be free or if it will require a single payment for access. Select the appropriate option.
Proceed to Next Steps: Once you've completed filling out all the information, click 'Next' to move on to the community settings.
Configuring Community Settings
Once you've provided the main information for your community, it's time to customize the settings:
Status: Decide whether your community is 'Active', which makes it available for purchase and enrollment, or 'Draft', meaning it can't be joined but remains visible in your dashboard for further edits.
Membership Options:
If you want to add members from specific courses or products, check the box labeled "Add members from selected courses or products, etc."
To add members from existing groups, check the "Add members from groups" box.
If you need to create a new group, simply click on "Create a group" to organize your members into specific segments or interest groups.It will redirect you to the group creation page.
Write the group title and click on the Save button. Go back to the community settings page; there, you will see a notification with a green background. Click the refresh button to update the list of groups available for selection
3.Content Creation: Toggle 'Members can also create topics' if you wish to allow members to initiate discussions. This can foster a more interactive and engaged community.
4. Posting Permissions: If you prefer to restrict posting to admins and authors only, activate the 'Only Admins/Authors can post' option.
Save Your Settings: After configuring your community's settings to your preference, click the 'Save' button to finalize the changes.
Should you require assistance or have inquiries, feel free to reach out via email at [email protected], or for immediate support,click the blue icon below to chat ․