How to reset a password

 A password reset option to help you regain access. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to reset your password effectively and securely.

Follow the steps the reset your password.

  • Visit your site, click on Login or Register link
  • Click “Forgot Your Password”

How to reset a password

  • Enter your registered email, then click on to “Send Password Reset link” and then check your email's inbox.How to reset a password
  • You will get an email notification; click the“Click here” link.


How to reset a password

  • It will redirect you to the reset page, enter your new password and rewrite your password again, and then click Reset Password.


How to reset a password

Usefull tips 

  1. Choose a strong and unique password that is difficult for others to guess. 
  2. Include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  3. Avoid using common passwords or personal information that can be easily associated with you. 
  4. Ensure that your new password is sufficiently long (at least eight characters) to enhance its security.
  5. Regularly update your passwords for better security.
  6. Avoid using the same password across multiple accounts.
  7. Utilize a password manager to store and generate strong passwords securely.

Once you have successfully reset your password, you will get a message indicating that your account password is now changed.

How to reset a password

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