Next-Level Online Personal Training: Start on The Right Foot

Article by Nelli Gevorgyan / Updated at .30 Aug 2023
10 min read
Next-Level Online Personal Training: Start on The Right Foot

Online training has become a popular and convenient way of education nowadays. It offers benefits such as increased flexibility, location, time freedom, and efficiency. 

However, with the growing demand grows supply and competition. To be successful in this industry, you must offer high-quality training. This article will cover everything you need to know to start offering next-level online personal training. 

What's online personal training?

Personal training is a process of training an individual in a specific field with an aim to improve their skills and knowledge in that area. Online personal training is very similar to traditional one, with the main difference of behind held online through various digital tools. 

Differences between personal and group training

Let’s briefly overview the main differences between personal and group training. 

  • Participants. Personal training is 1:1 sessions. Meanwhile, group training is conducted with two or more individuals. 
  • Personalization. Group training has unified objectives for everyone and is less adjustable than personal training, as it is more flexible and tailored specifically for an individual's needs. 
  • Group training allows for incorporating collaborative learning activities for better knowledge retention. 
  • Throughout personal training, all the trainer's attention is on an individual, which allows for practical skill development and results. 

Advantages of online over traditional in-person training

Online training comes in handy with lots of advantages. For instance, traditional in-person training requires time for transportation. Meanwhile, online training lets you join the session from anywhere you want. 

Another advantage of online training over a traditional one is access to international audiences. You are not tied to a particular location, city, or neighborhood. This radically increases your income potential. This radically increases your income potential. 

Tracking and monitoring also become more manageable with online personal training. Using an LMS platform records the student's progress, such as test & quiz results, etc. Thus, it allows you to track without additional effort. 

Also, online personal training is more cost-efficient. The cost of online tools such as whiteboards, design software, screen share, and LMS platforms is much lower than physical equipment such as projectors, renting a space, etc. 

Online training achievements

Your journey to becoming an online trainer

It is time to dive into the steps you must take to start your journey as an online trainer. 

Choose your niche

First of all, choose your niche. There are a variety of online training niches available out there, such as:

  • Fitness coaching, Yoga training, Pilates training, etc.
  • Business or executive training 
  • Marketing/Sales training 
  • Art training 
  • Programming training 
  • Etc.

Choose your expertise, choose a niche, and create an appropriate high-value training program. Identifying your niche will generally help you in:

  • Market research. Knowing your specific niche saves a great deal of time on market research as you have to focus on research of that particular niche instead of the whole industry. 
  • Targeted marketing. Knowing your niche allows you to create a marketing strategy and target the right audience. Thus, your marketing efforts will bring a return on investment. 
  • Allows for higher scalability and better SEO optimization. Knowing your niche will allow you to create and implement in practice the right SEO optimization tactics that will rank your website high in SERPs and match user search queries. 
  • Specialization. When you focus on a particular niche, you will continuously develop your skills and professional level in it, thus becoming a high-value and on-demand specialist. For instance, you can create and offer a unique selling proposition that helps you stand out. 

Identify your competitors and try to stand out

The next step is identifying your competitors and implementing best practices to stand out. For instance, you can create and offer a unique selling proposition that helps you stand out. 

Here are the main steps you need to take to identify your competitors and develop your USP. 

  • Conduct proper market research, and find similar courses, training programs, and coaching programs offered in your niche. Take notes on how they differ from one another. 
  • Analyze competitor products in depth to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each and the USPs they have. 
  • Create a unique selling point for your training. Analyze your offering and determine aspects that set you apart from the competition. 
  • Know your target audience to offer a selling point according to their needs and wants. 
  • Create a topnotch contact center to provide exceptional customer service that will increase client satisfaction rate and trust factor toward you

After you identify your direct and indirect competition, conduct a competitor analysis. It will provide you with benefits such as:

  • Allow us to see the bigger picture of the market. 
  • Analyze the demand and supply situation in today’s market. 
  • Understand what strategies have failed or succeeded (the ones implemented by your competitors) 
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of your competitor products/services.
  • Understand current market trends and customers' needs & wants. 
Online training video

Use an all-in-one platform to start

Finally, choose the platform to get started. In today's market, a variety of tools are available for you that are great learning management systems. If you want to get the most out of the platform while having a nice and beginner-friendly user experience, we recommend Uteach. 

Uteach is an all-in-one, potent LMS software that will allow you to start and further expand your online personal or group training business. It comes in handy with all the necessary features and benefits, such as easy UI and affordable pricing. 

The main features include:

  • Integrations with your favorite tools 
  • Local payment gateway 
  • Potent & customizable course & website builder (drag & drop builder that does not require knowledge in coding)
  • Pre-made themes & templates (customizable) 
  • Branding and white labeling options 
  • Live functionality 
  • Marketing features, such as blogs, built-in SEO, certifications, coupons, etc. 
  • Automation features including attendance checking, messaging, notifications, homework assignments, and calendar 
  • Multichannel product sales, including digital & physical Learning related products/services (training programs, coaching sessions, pre-recorded courses, e-books, etc.)
  • Mobile app
  • Many more. 

These were primary features of Uteach, yet not all. This is a truly incredible platform for online personal trainers to enhance the experience of their trainees and get the most out of their business. So, check it out when deciding on an LMS platform. 

Discover Uteach training features

Getting ready to start training online

We just covered the three main steps you need to take to start your journey in the online training world. Now, it is time to dive into the steps you must take to get started with online personal training. 

Set your goals and plans

First and foremost, set goals and objectives. It will help you to clarify further steps and build strategies/plans that will help you to achieve these goals. Also, setting goals will help you to efficiently track students’ progress and your training’s overall performance. 

Remember that the goals must be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time specific). Establish goals for your training first. You can start developing a training outline after you are clear on the goals. Decide what topics will be covered and what activities, quizzes, and assessments will be incorporated. 

A good training outline must present clear sections of goals and learning outcomes so that students are also well aware of what they are gaining out of the training. 

Then, establish goals for your wholesome training business, e.g., how many sales do you want to make during the first month when you want to launch? Set clear expectations and deadlines for yourself. Afterward, build a plan with several stages to create the training, website, and start sales. 

Go digital on your learning resources and materials

Digitization is awesome in every way, so incorporate digital resources and materials. First of all, develop high-quality visual materials such as presentations and infographics. Due to most students being visual learners, this will help you to convert the material to the students better. 

Also, you can create quizzes, tests, and online assessments for your students. These will help to increase knowledge retention rates and measure their progress throughout the training. 

Gear up your virtual setup

It is time to set up your space for the virtual training. This includes setting up both physical and digital space. Ensure you have the digital materials available and that students have access to these too. 

Clean up your space, and set up a computer camera and microphone. For instance, choose a clean background. If you have a monochrome wall to avoid distractions, it will work. Afterward, check the internet connection and online tools you plan to use throughout the session. Ensure that everything works properly. 

Get yourself ready to be flexible

Flexibility is the key. You may need to adjust schedules and hours, so make sure you are flexible. But besides, there can be a need to adapt to individual’s needs and expectations. 

Online training goals

Key points for high-quality training

It is your time to start high-quality training. But what do you need to do to provide good quality? Well, let’s review. 

Design an individual lesson plan

High-quality training programs must not just have an outline for the overall program but also outlines for individual sessions within the program. Plans for each session will make the sessions more structured. 

So make sure to choose the topic for each session. Break it down into multiple aspects and offer activities that will contribute to a better understanding of the topic. 

Get set for personal learning needs and preferences

Keep in mind that you are going to host personal training. Thus the program must be tailored to the individual’s needs and preferences.Let's say you are offering a program on digital marketing. Still, your trainee is already familiar with certain aspects, so they want to cover them in more depth than others. 

Be open to regular communication

As a virtual trainer, you must realize the vitality of communication, especially during personal training. Be open to giving and receiving feedback, adjust certain aspects of the program, and ensure the student is progressing while enjoying the sessions. 

Communication is also the key as it helps to avoid misunderstandings and set clear expectations upfront. 

Evaluate student progress and give feedback

To ensure successful training and results, you must evaluate student progress and provide them with constructive feedback. In order to keep students motivated, also praise them whenever necessary. If there are areas where students need help or are having difficulties, give them feedback and offer solutions.

Feedback will help the students to grow further and stay motivated throughout their journey. 

Provide convenient learning software

You must choose a convenient learning software to enhance students’ learning experience and provide high-quality training. The main features of a good training platform must include customization, automation, marketing, a good user interface, fast navigation, and loading speed. 

Uteach 14-day trial

Start with an easy-to-use learning platform today

Well, it is your time to get started. 

Pick one of the most feature-rich yet easy-to-use training platforms - Uteach. Uteach is a potent LMS platform that allows you to start and expand your online personal training business. 

You can build a customized website, utilize the power of marketing and automation features to save time, and monetize your skills & expertise right away with a local payment gateway. So, stop hesitation and try it out. 

Uteach is with you all the way toward success. 

Start for FREE

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