How to send notifications


Notifications help to keep users updated about new information. They provide quick access to important events and messages. 

Here is how you can send notifications to have the users stay informed about updates.


There are two ways to do this. You can send notifications to

  1.  particular students
  2. already created groups 

Notifying students 

  • Check the box in front of the student’s name. 
  • Access the Send a notification button  


  • Choose the notification group, including courses, products, bundles, memberships, live sessions, and quizzes.
  • Select the item based on the group you chose. For example, if you chose the Courses group, this list will consist of all the courses you created. 


Selecting groups and items for the notification.


  • Next, you will have the option to send notifications to the mobile app and also email.   

If you check the Send a mobile notification box, the students who downloaded the app can quickly be notified via the application.  In the description box below, fill in what you want your students to know. For instance, you can notify them if the live session is canceled.


Sending email an mobile app notifications.


  • Click on the sending icon in the right button corner. 

Notifying groups 

You can send not only individual but also group notifications.

To access this feature, follow the steps below.


  • Navigate to the Users tab from your dashboard. 
  • Go to the Students subtab. 
  • Choose the group you want to send a notification to from the Filter section. 
Choosing the filter option to select a group.
  • Check the boxes in front of the students or click Select all


  • Access the Send a notification button 
  • Select the action group and the item from the dropdown lists.
  • Optionally, check the boxes for mobile app and/or email notifications. 
  • Fill in the description box. 
  • Click the send icon to complete the process.


If you have any questions about coupons, discounts, or anything at all, send us an email at [email protected] or click the blue icon below to chat 😊