Integrations are vital in efficiently and effectively managing an online business.
SMTP allows you to manage email communication with your students in an automated way, improving the efficiency and reliability of the communication.
Do the following steps to connect SMTP to your Uteach website.
SMTP Host Address: This is the server address provided by the email service that allows you to send emails through their system.
SMTP Port: The port number used to send emails. Common ports include:
- Port 587: This is the default mail submission port and supports TLS encryption.
- Port 465: Formerly a common port for SMTP to work over SSL. It is now deprecated for this purpose.
- Port 25: The default SMTP non-encrypted port. ISPs typically block it to prevent spam.
Username: The username for your SMTP server, often the full email address.
Password: The password associated with your SMTP username.
Encryption: This is the type of security protocol your emails will use when being sent.
- TLS (Transport Layer Security): The current standard for encrypted communication.
- SSL (Secure Sockets Layer): An older standard that is largely deprecated in favor of TLS.
Sender Name: The name that will appear as the sender when emails are received.
Sender Email: The email address that will appear as the sender when emails are received
- SMTP Host Address: ``
- SMTP Port: 587 (Use TLS)
- Username: Your full Gmail address (e.g., `[email protected]`)
- Password: Your Gmail password or app-specific password if two-factor authentication is enabled
- Encryption: TLS
- Sender Name: Your name or business name
- Sender Email: Your Gmail address
Steps to Configure SMTP for Mailchimp on Your Platform
- SMTP Host Address: ``
- SMTP Port: 587 (recommended for TLS) or 465 (for SSL)
- Username: Your Mandrill username (usually the email address associated with your Mailchimp account)
- Password: Your Mandrill API key (not your Mailchimp password)
- Encryption: TLS or SSL (depending on the port you choose)
- Sender Name: The name you want to appear as the sender (could be your personal name or your company’s name)
- Sender Email: The email address you have verified with.
- SMTP Host Address: ``
- SMTP Port: 587
- Username: Your full email address (e.g., `[email protected]`)
- Password: Your password
- Encryption: TLS
- Sender Name: Your name or business name
- Sender Email: Your email address
- SMTP Host Address: ``
- SMTP Port: 465 (Use SSL) or 587 (Use TLS)
- Username: Your full Yahoo email address (e.g., `[email protected]`)
- Password: Your Yahoo password or app-specific password if two-factor authentication is enabled
- Encryption: SSL or TLS
- Sender Name: Your name or business name
- Sender Email: Your Yahoo email address
- SMTP Host Address: ``
- SMTP Port: 587
- Username: `apikey`
- Password: Your SendGrid API key
- Encryption: TLS
- Sender Name: Your name or business name
- Sender Email: The email address you verified with SendGrid
- SMTP Host Address: Provided in your Mailgun account (e.g., ``)
- SMTP Port: 587
- Username: Provided Mailgun SMTP username
- Password: Provided Mailgun SMTP password
- Encryption: TLS
- Sender Name: Your name or business name
- Sender Email: The email address you verified with Mailgun
Steps to Configure SMTP for Mandrill in Your Platform
1. Enter the SMTP Host Address: Type `` into the SMTP host field.
2 Specify the SMTP Port: Input “587” for TLS encryption or “465" for SSL encryption.
3. Provide Username: Enter the email address associated with your Mandrill account.
4. Input Password: Place your Mandrill-generated API key here.
5. Choose Encryption Type: Select “TLS” if you’re using port 587 or “SSL” for port 465.
6. Set Sender Name: Input the name that your recipients will see when they receive your email.
7. Set Sender Email: Make sure this is the same email address you’ve set up and verified with Mandrill.
8. Activate and Test: Make sure to activate the configuration, save changes, and use the test function to ensure everything is working correctly.
- Mandrill is a paid Mailchimp add-on, so you’ll need a Mailchimp account and need to add Mandrill to your account to use these settings.
- You will also need to verify domain ownership within Mandrill before sending emails.
- API keys are used instead of passwords with Mandrill. You can generate or find your API keys in your Mandrill settings.
Testing Your SMTP configuration once you have entered the SMTP settings for your chosen provider:
1. Turn the “Active” switch on.
2. Click “Save changes” to apply the settings.
3. Use the “Test” button to send a test email and confirm that your SMTP settings are working correctly.
Troubleshooting Tips
After setting up your SMTP details, it’s essential to send a test email to ensure that everything is configured correctly. If the test fails, double-check your settings for any errors, and make sure that your Mandrill account is properly set up and has the necessary permissions to send emails.
You can also watch the video to connect SMTP to your Uteach website.
If you have any questions about coupons, discounts, or anything at all, send us an email at [email protected] or click the blue icon below to chat 😊
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