“Good teachers know how to bring out the best in students”
I think, Charles Kuralt’s words best describe the quality of a good teacher who has much to say and to do.
A good teacher brings a difference in the students’ life, increasing their level of motivation and engagement in the learning processes. Especially, with the development of technologies and their influence on the education sector, many teachers shift into the eLearning world and share their knowledge and experience online.
The greatest thing is that digital features let the education providers organize and manage the teaching process. Accordingly, more and more people become interested in using these advantages for teacher jobs, regardless of their industry of experience.
What matters in the 21st century is that U Can Teach, no matter you are an English teacher, yoga coach, fitness trainer, or business coach. So, if you are also interested in starting a teaching career, then you should be aware of good teacher qualities.
This way, you will make sure the best possible is done to make the educational process attractive, engaging, and effective.
Top 5 Good Teacher Qualities
Below, I’m going to discuss some of the most trendy and effective qualities of teachers that help to provide better results and stand out among the pool of other education providers. After all, it is the influence of a good teacher that can never be erased.
#1 Be a Strong Communicator
No matter your skills, knowledge, or level of experience; your teaching services may be ignored if you don’t have communicational skills to express the points. For example, if you are looking for online English tutoring jobs or starting your own English tutoring course business, you need not only teaching and language skills, but also you need to know how to communicate with your students.
When it comes to efficiency in education, strong communication skills are a must. So many students decide to take part in different classes feeling afraid of the subject matter, of being discouraged by their previous experiences, and too overwhelmed to approach the subject positively.
Communication with students at the beginning of the course may become a motivational point to engage students in, and make the process more enjoyable and better supports their learning. It's also good to integrate predictive dialer software to keep the communication more secure.

Not only communication (in all forms) serves as a tool for overcoming the learners’ fear, but it has also an influential factor in prompting students forward. As a learner, we are always motivated when being encouraged by the trainer.
You may choose different formats of communication with your active and potential students. The format also depends on you. But if you want to achieve the maximum level of success, you should take into consideration the preferences among your target students.
When sharing knowledge online, consider the spoken communication through video courses, or written one through blog articles and different formats of attached files. These ways of teaching are very essential as eLearning is the future of education.
#2 Focus on the Student Engagement
Having the ability to engage learners in the class with humor, creative lessons and a strong classroom presence is important in being a good teacher. A great teacher performs for the learners in any way possible and even impossible to keep them going...
This is not about sitting back and just lecturing, but about engaging in the work. If you are interested in learning what an engaging teacher looks like then you should work with your target learners and define their preferences clearly. This is vary depending on grade level and subject matter.
For a group of students, a good teacher may be the one who comes up jocking, for others vice versa - the teacher should just share experience and show how to do things.
If you are interested in becoming a good teacher who stands out among thousands of specialists then you should take into consideration creating engaging training videos. Shifting into the online teaching world, you will get a lot of advantages, such as:
- wider market of potential learners
- better ways of reaching the right audience
- no kind of time or location limitations
- more students
- minimum efforts, maximum efficiency
- increasing income
These are the main points to focus on. The advantages are even more when we compare traditional classes vs online classes. Focus on the digital way of sharing knowledge and do your best to engage learners.
As it is already obvious, eLearning offers wide opportunities and the rest depends on you. You are to decide how to organize the process to make your lessons, courses, articles, and any form of educational content engaging.
#3 Listen Well to the Learners
A good teacher has good listening skills. In order to know the requirements among your potential learners or find out the weak points in your educational material, you should be a good listener. Only it will help you clearly define the needs and try to meet them.

Great communication doesn't stop when the teacher is done talking. Those teachers who are skilled in listening and observing often pick up on what isn’t being said, such as any anxieties a student may have, and can then help the student build their skills and confidence levels.
Effective characteristics of listening also help a teacher to better understand their students and tailor lessons to reach them how they learn best. In the case you are an education provider who can truly hear a student, then you can learn how to reach them where they are.
And accordingly, you will open the door for them to receive and learn the lesson that is being taught.
Listening to the students is very accessible in case of the online teaching as well. There are various formats of live chats that may be integrated into your personal teaching platform, or the learners may get in touch with you through your educational social media pages.
Some students prefer to write comments or provide ratings for the educational content you provide. These functions help you understand the learners’ point of view about your way of teaching. You may also shape a clear image through the results of tests.
Students like to pass tests and check their acquired knowledge. From the trainers’ perspective, you may check out the results, and consider if there are questions that many participants fail. If there are more, it means you do not explain the topic enough in detail and it may need improvement.
The power of test automation is an effective way to improve the quality of online education. Some actions are better to trust the technological systems to avoid mechanical work, save time, and energy.
#4 Be Dedicated to the Teaching Process
Dedication is all about the love of teaching or passion for the work. This covers the commitment to the success and achievements your learners get. In order to be a desireful teacher, you should be in love with the subject matter you teach or simply being dedicated to the work.
As for the learners, they see this as the teacher is always willing to help, give time, and answer the questions.

Your patience will also help in becoming dedicated. Regardless of the level you teach, your patience is always tested when you are an education provider. No matter you share knowledge online or offline, whether you are a school subject teacher or any professional specialist or sports trainer, patience is one of the most important skills to practice as a teacher.
So, you should be passionate about teaching; patient, and understanding of learners.
#5 Be an Easy Adaptable Lifelong Learner
These days, the world is changing fast and all of us, regardless of the industry of experience, need to go along with the flow, follow trends and easily adapt to the environment.
One of the key skills needed to be a good teacher is a dedication not only towards the teaching process but also to the learning and going on the education.
No matter you are more likely to learn more about your subject area, identify any new methods of communication or explore technology in your class, going on expanding your personal knowledge is a key factor to providing more to your students.
They say that a good teacher never feels as if they have learned a lot and it is enough. Every day new teaching methods, tools, and techniques appear that change the direction of the teachers’ experiences. You should be aware of all these trends in order to provide good services and reach efficiency.
No matter your education level, you can learn something from everyone you get in touch with, including fellow educators as well as students. Being willing to continually add knowledge, skills, and tools to your arsenal, sometimes even unconventional ones, keep things new and exciting, as well as giving you excellent skills.

Effective teachers should also be able to work in a constantly evolving environment and adjust their teaching methods based on the age as well as the level of their students, the available resources as well as changing curriculum, practices, and requirements.
The most essential point, however, is the easy adaptability to technological influence in the educational industry. Every day new tools are developed that make the teaching process easier and the learning effective. Good teachers follow these trends and offer preferable services, making the process maximum easy for the learners.
Getting Started with Effective Teaching
Now you are already familiar with the good teacher qualities and you may get started with effective teaching. There are various platforms to start with, share knowledge, and be appreciated for your efforts.
If you want to be a leader in the field, you should pay great attention to eLearning technologies, and rely on automation services.
If you are interested in having your personal teaching platform, you can check out Uteach. Here you may create a website within minutes and without any tech knowledge. You may start for free and even without providing any card details.