How To Do TikTok Marketing For Your Online Course Business

Article by Nelli Gevorgyan / Updated at .14 Dec 2023
13 min read
How To Do TikTok Marketing For Your Online Course Business

TikTok is a social media platform that BOOMS the internet. Do the correct content, go viral, and drive clients for your business!  

But is everything that simple? Yes and no. TikTok is a compelling platform for marketing, especially with the growth of audiences who love to use the platform for education. So, in this article, we will try to understand how to use Tik Tok for your online course business.  

If you are ready, let's start! 

Why use TikTok for your business

First, consider the main reasons you should use TikTok for your business.  

  • Exposure: TikTok has an incredible algorithm and offers unimaginably enormous opportunities for exposure overnight. It gives you access to audiences other platforms do not provide. Of course, you must create high-quality videos, be creative, and experiment, but you have the hugest chance to go viral on TikTok rather than on any other platform. 
  • User-generated content: TikTok offers a unique solution. Now it is not just a dancing app, you can find any video there, and each creator will easily find the right audience. Many people now use TikTok for educational purposes because you can provide valuable information to your users in videos from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Considering the dynamic industry and the fact that no one has time, this is perfect. 
  • Based on interests: One of the best features of algorithms is recommending to users content they are interested in. Every user's recommendation page differs and is customized. Therefore, when you use TikTok for your business and have a clear idea of your niche, you can be sure that interested users will see and interact with your content. 
  • Time-Saving: Of course, you will need a strategy and content plan for the videos, as consistency is essential everywhere. However, Tik Tok remains one of the most accessible apps for creating videos right in it and publishing them. What do you need? Lots of creativity!
  • Inspiring: You can scroll through recommendations to check out the competition. TikTok is a fantastic app that is a natural place to grab inspiration from and create even better content. So, your market research will be watching funny short videos of others. Isn't this great?  

Professional Benefits

Besides the general benefits of using TikTok for your business, you get a few professional benefits while using this app. Let's take a look at those: 

  • In-feed and Top view ads: The top view ads are features of TikTok for business. Those ads appear once a day when a user launches the app. Meanwhile, In-feed ads are those that appear on users for your page. The algorithm shows ads to those users who are potentially interested in the product. 
  • Branded effects: With this app, advertisers can add AR, 2D, or even 3D effects, thus increasing brand awareness.
  • Hashtag challenges: You can create a challenge with a motivational factor (mostly a material prize) to encourage users to create videos using your brand's hashtag. Thus, you will also increase brand awareness. 
Course creator records tiktok

7 tips for marketing your online courses on TikTok

Now, it is time to get practical. Here we will share the Top 7 tips to market your online course on TikTok. The crucial factor is that all those tips are efficient. So, let's start. 

Tip 1 - Create a TikTok Pro account 

First things first, how to create a TikTok Pro account? Follow the steps mentioned down below:

  • Go to your account's "Settings & Privacy"> "Manage Account."
  • Click on the "Switch to Pro Account" option.

Why would you need a Pro account? First, you will have access to Pro tools such as analytics. Analytics and reports are essential, especially for businesses with goals connected to the audience, brand awareness, and sales growth.  

With TikTok analytics, you can see stats such as weekly and monthly views, followers, and trending videos. 

Tip 2 - Identify your target audience 

Now it is time for you to identify your target audience. Why? You won't have an effective following if you do not know who you are aiming for. What I mean by this is that remember, you are not a general curator. You are a course business owner and need TikTok to increase your brand's awareness and sales. So, knowing what audience is most likely to be interested in your content and potential purchase of products is significant.  

What benefits does knowing your audience give you?

  • Create better and more relevant content that users will be genuinely interested in 
  • Improve the quality of your videos 
  • Knowing customer's needs and expectations, therefore knowing pain points and offering solutions that will drive clients 
  • More clients will result in more sales.
  • Increase brand awareness and positive public image  

How to identify your target audience in TikTok? 

To know your niche, you should:

  • Understand who generally would like to purchase courses your offer (e.g., is it programming or lifestyle course? Because they have completely different audience ranges)
  • Check out your competitors in the same niche. Research other coaches, see their content, who they aim to target, etc. 
  • Experiment - failure shouldn't stop you; keep experimenting, and you will find the right market. 

Also, some general content that every course creator can create can be:

  • The shooting process - where you, in a 15-second video, show what equipment you use, how you prepare background and lightning to shoot the pre-recorded class 
  • What equipment can you use to create high-quality videos? 
  • Share tips you teach in your course to create valuable content for your audience. 
  • Educational content  
Identifying target audience

Tip 3 - Come up with the hashtag strategy 

Many of you may underrate hashtags, but those are pretty powerful. Use short captions, and make sure to add hashtags. Hoover, do not add just everything that comes to your mind; add relevant hashtags. Those will help your content be more discoverable, like search engine optimization. For example, when users search for lifestyle courses and you use that hashtag, they will most likely see your video. Besides, videos with relevant TikTok hashtags help algorithms to show those to the right audience.   

For example, for programming, those hashtags can be #programmingcourses, #programming, #phyton2023

For lifestyle coaching: #changeyourlife #lifestyle, #lifestylecoach 

To find the correct hashtags, you must look at the competition again. Try to research to identify what hashtags they use. Pay close attention to videos with many views and engagements; what hashtags are there? Pick them and start experimenting. 

Tip 4 - Use trending sounds and participate in various challenges 

Are you using trending sounds for everyday videos? Yes, do that, especially if those are funny challenges. These types of videos, of course, are not your main content, but they can boost your profile's activity from time to time. Besides, by having this kind of lightweight video blend the serious content you provide, you are more realistic with your audience, and they see your "funny" side. That can positively influence the trust factor increase towards you, your team, and your business.  

A recent study found that 59% of small businesses use TikTok to search for trends and topics that may be relevant to their business. Keeping up with trends is a smart marketing tactic for businesses of all sizes, so they don't get left behind in the fast-paced world of social media!

Tip 5 - Use paid advertising & Influencer marketing

Paid advertising and influencers will help you to promote your blog. For example, when you know your niche, you can identify influencers whose audience will most likely purchase your product and collaborate with them. Collaboration can be them mentioning you in the video or making a separate review video about the course they bought from you, how it affected their life, what skills they gained, etc. 

In-feed ads are a form of paid ads you can create on TikTok. What you do is create a standard video and then pay for an advertisement so that it reaches the targeted audience. 

Advertisement in social media

Tip 6 - Optimize your profile 

To succeed, having a profile that speaks for itself is essential. Users who visit your profile expect to understand who you are and what it is about. In the bio, mention that you are an online coach and the industry, be that lifestyle, content writing, programming languages, data science, etc.   

Afterward, add a link to your online coaching website, so interested users can visit and check out the courses you offer. Also, link to other social media platforms such as YouTube and Instagram.  

Tip 7 - Be consistent & Have a strategy 

To succeed on any social media platform, you must first remember the importance of consistency. When you have a plan and strategy to achieve your goals, certain sales levels, etc., remember that social media platforms favor accounts that post regularly. So, in your content plan, include a topic for videos to post every day or at least five times a week, in the case of Tik Tok.  

Thus, you will create content that gets views, organically grows your following, and satisfy your audience, who expect to see your videos in their feed.  

What about the strategy? To have a plan, you first need to have goals. Answer the following questions to set goals: 

  • For what are you creating these videos?
  • What is your short-term and long-term destination?
  • Do you want brand awareness, audience, or sales?

Also, when setting goals, remember the SMART technique. Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-specific.  

When you have a set of short- and long-term goals, the next step is to constantly track your competitors, e.g., what hours they post, what hashtags they use, and what type of content goes viral.  

Create a content calendar to know your next steps, plan tactics to keep up with the overall marketing strategy, and chive all the goals. 

Business grow strategy

3 “Don’t Do”s in TikTok

TikTok gives you freedom over everything; however, even here, we have a list of Don't Do's if you want to succeed. So let's take a look at the mistakes that are better to avoid:

Posting irregularly 

The biggest mistake you can make on any social media platform if you have a specific growth goal is to be inconsistent. If you post regularly for 2-3 months, even a few days of being unproductive can ruin all your efforts. Of course, there may be emergencies, or maybe you do not have any more creative ideas, but here is a simple solution. Plan your content at least one month ahead, and have at least 20 videos ready to publish in drafts just in case of any emergency. That way, you will always have content and ideas and won't ruin everything you have achieved. 

Posting content about everything

If you post content about everything, not only will you generate an audience completely discouraged from purchasing your course, but you will also confuse algorithms. Pick a theme, know your niche and create content that suits its purpose. 

Being way too serious 

Yes, it is essential to have a theme that you follow. However, that does not mean you cannot make humorous videos. Those will bring you more awareness. Once a week, make a good joke, which will be even better if it somehow relates to your online course creator's reality. Because that way, you will boost the account's awareness alongside the right audience.  

Let's remember no matter how much educational content can be provided, TikTok is still a place to relax, so do not overwhelm people. Balanced content is the best solution. 

Do not do

The 3 best examples of online course promotion on TikTok

Success is always achievable, especially if you learn to form the best. Let's look at the top 3 Best examples of online course promotion coaches use. 

Tori Gordon

Tori is an incredible life coach who helps people be more self-aware and create the life they want. Everything in the profile, including her content, speaks about what she is doing. She makes short, however, very engaging and helpful TikTok videos, watching which she awakens the sudden urge to purchase a complete course to understand oneself better and be able to change a life.   

What can we learn from Tori? Publish content connected to your niche, build an audience and value their trust in you, and optimize your profile, so users instantly get who you are and what you are doing.

Vanessa is one of the vivid examples of a business owner who successfully promotes her services, including online coaching on TikTok and Instagram. Everything is connected and makes sense if we look at her accounts, particularly TikTok and Reel videos. Anyone can instantly grab an idea of what she is doing. Besides, she makes sure to shoot high-quality videos and sometimes does humorous videos to reach more people, which is a sage strategy.  

What she does is help creators get visibility. So, she provides free tips & tricks that work. And when creators get results due to an increased trust factor, they pay her to learn more about t with personal coaching sessions. Besides, she does not forget to casually post motivational content that also influences the trust factor of the audience positively.  

What can we learn from Vanessa? Simple, be authentic, be engaging, stay consistent, and do not be afraid to share free tips & tricks. 

Josh McCartney

Josh is a remarkable memory coach who successfully uses TikTok to promote his business. All his videos are connected to his theme. And he uses approximately the same strategy as Vanessa and Tori do; however, what we can learn from him is the heading he uses. First, all the videos are correctly named, and the title is vivid and easily readable. Secondly, they attract attention and are short. Some examples are "Mastermind Announcement," "I was bullied," and "3 keys to memory".  

Another thing we can learn from Josh is his voice intonation, speed, and excitement when he speaks in his videos. Body language and voice are potent elements in creating trust and a reliable image.  

So, to wrap things up, what can I say? I can say that TikTok will help promote your business and market your courses if you follow all the tips and tricks mentioned in this video. Especially effective marketing will be if you avoid the mistakes mentioned and look at the best coaches who also have TikToks, to learn from them. 

I am sure it will work out great; you only need a little time and effort.

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