With Uteach, you are also able to implement a Cookies Policy on your website.
To access this section, please follow these steps:
Here you are also able to choose your website language, edit contact & sharing information, website policy, customize login/register settings, and some SEO details.
Scroll a little down, a little more, and now you are there!
In the Cookies Policy section, you can see the activation toggle. Click to set it to Active.
You can see the confirmation message in the upper right corner of the dashboard.
Did you know?
You are given an opportunity to change the Cookies banner text. For this, make any changes in the corresponding field.
You can create such banners yourself if you don’t like how they appear. Just insert the banner code in the footer script of the Settings tab.
Now, every time a new user enters your website, they will see the Cookies Policy pop-up message. They will be able to accept by clicking Accept Cookies.
If you have any questions about coupons, discounts, or anything at all, send us an email at [email protected] or click the blue icon below to chat 😊
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