How to add a FAQ section


To be able to add a contact information box to the footer, you should go to the Homepage editing section.

  1. Navigate to the Sitebuilder tab from your dashboard.
  2. Click on the Pages subtab.

Here you can see the list of all your website pages.


Accessing the edit icon for pages.

Click on the pencil icon to edit the page. 

Now you are in the homepage builder section.

Access the Secondary block and choose the Accordions Menu option. 


Opening the Secondary block to add a component.

Drag and drop it on your page. 

 Afterward, you can fill in the boxes with your questions and corresponding  answers. 


Editing accordion menu to fill in FAQ.

You can also change the position of these boxes by setting height, width, and margins. The dimensions can be set from the right menu. 



Setting the dimensions


If you have any questions about coupons, discounts, or anything at all, send us an email at [email protected] or click the blue icon below to chat 😊