Welcome to the page builder guide. The journey with your professional website starts with designing it like a Pro.
Let’s take a look at how you can design your landing pages in just a few quick steps.
Follow the path to see the page builder: Dashboard > Site Builder > Pages. Click edit, and you will be directed the page's constructor.
Before passing on the elements, let's have a look at what features we have here.
You can easily add a block by clicking the blue + icon on the blank page.
Or after each section, there will be appeared the + icon.
Here you can add the following blocks
To add a certain block, simply click on it, and it will appear on the page.
After adding the block, you can start customizing it by changing texts, images, and so on. When you select the component on the right side, you will see the settings bar, which will allow you to make changes if necessary.
These elements allow you to select the element above your selected element,and copy or delete it.
To add a link to a button, you simply click and activate the button element, making sure you see the Link title on it, then click the settings icon and add your URL in the Href field.
If your website is example.com and the link you want to add is example.com/courses in the Href field, you can add only /courses. But if the link is external, insert the whole URL https://exampletest.com
You are free to change any element from our suggested designs. If you want to change the image double, click on it.
Here will appear the box where you can drop files and then click on the image.
You will see your changed image in the same place.
This is not the final version of Page Builder; at this moment, we are adding more features to it. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
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