How to edit the footer


With Uteach website builder, you can always customize your footer how you want, such as adding different sections, choosing the background, editing text information, etc.


  • Go to the Site Builder tab from your dashboard.
  • Click on the Footer subtab.


Your first step is to choose a template for your site's footer from the list. You can Preview and Choose the selected template.


 Or, if you want to start from scratch or edit the current footer, click the “Edit Current Footer” button. 

Changing the background

Activate the footer box and click on the Decorations section from the menu on the right. 



As you scroll down to the Background box, tap the plus icon. After choosing the color, click on the Save button above.


Here is a short tutorial showing how to change the default footer.


Editing text boxes and links

After you finish the footer color, the next step is editing the texts and links.

  • Double-click on the text box you want to change. 

You can delete, move, or duplicate the box as you click on it.

  • Insert any text you like.

In order to add a link, tap on the text box. Insert your link in the Settings menu in the Href section on the right. 


Adding a section in the footer

Before adding additional sections, decide what your sections and subsections will look like.


  • Click on the+ icon.
  • Choose a column box you want to insert, 

You can also customize the sizes of your text boxes from the Dimensions section on the right menu.




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