Discover the Uteach's AI Course Outline Generator Tool. This guide provides a quick walkthrough to help educators and training coordinators effortlessly utilize this powerful tool for streamlined and effective curriculum planning. Let's get started!
1. Access the AI Course Outline Generator
From the dashboard, click on the “Courses” section in the left-hand side menu. This is where you manage your course content.
- If you want to create a new course, click the “+ Create New Course” button located at the top right corner of the course list.
- If you wish to add an outline to an existing course, find the course in the list and click on the edit icon.
2. Navigate to the Course Outline Section:
In the course editing interface, locate the tab or section that says “AI Course Outline Generator”.
3. Generate a New Course Outline
Click on the “AI Course Outline Generator” button. This should start the outline generation process.
4. Review and Edit the Generated Outline
Once the AI generates an outline,it will have sections or headers with placeholder content that you need to edit .
Edit the sections by clicking on them. You can choose the episode type, add your own content, modify the headers, and adjust the structure to fit your course needs.
5. Add or Remove Sections
If you need to add additional sections, there is an option to “Create New Section”. Use this to add more content areas to your course.
Similarly, if there are sections you don’t need, you can remove them.
6. Finalize Your Course Outline
After reviewing and ensuring all the content is accurate and arranged as you want, finalize your course outline.
7. Proceed with Course Creation
With the outline completed, you can proceed to other aspects of the course setup, like adding videos, files, quizzes, setting a price, and configuring other settings.
Remember to utilize the “Preview” button to see how your course will appear to potential students. This can help you ensure that the course is presented in an organized and professional manner.
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